Back to the Basics: Are you a BADDIE?

Hey Baddies! 

Welcome back to the blog, it’s been a minute and I did miss writing out my thoughts. It recently occurred to me that I’ve never really dedicated space to speaking about what “Be a Better BADDIE” truly means. 🫥 Yes, you know you’re a baddie. But do you know what it means to be a BADDIE?

Let’s talk about it. 

B is for Balanced

The first pillar of our Baddie journey is "Balanced." Being a Baddie means finding satisfaction in all aspects of your life—emotionally, physically, and mentally. It's about prioritizing activities that contribute to your well-being and effectively managing stress. It’s also about feeling like you give out just as much as you take in. ~Balance~ 

One of my favorite tools to evaluate the current state of my life and the balance is the BADDIE Life Wheel. The BADDIE Life Wheel helps you quickly understand how balanced or fulfilled your life is at this moment and gives you a helicopter view of how satisfied you are in certain areas of your life. This resource also includes reflection questions to guide you in the activity. I know you’ll love it! 

A is for Authenticity

Next up is "Authenticity." This pillar celebrates the lifelong journey of discovering your true self. Embrace what feels genuine and consistent in your life, recognizing that authenticity is about being comfortable with your flaws, strengths, weaknesses, and unique habits. Challenge yourself to be true to your values.

Pssst…I have another resource. Download the BADDIE Values and complete the following steps:

  • Pick your top 10 values

  • From that 10, pick your top 5

  • From that 5, pick 3. 

  • Those three are your core values.

Knowing your core values helps you operate in alignment and from an authentic space.

D is for Driven

Now, let's talk about being "Driven." Baddies are goal-oriented individuals who embody discipline, time management, and productivity strategies. We believe in diverse goals, and breaking them down into manageable chunks. By dissecting your goals, you'll identify the habits needed for success. 

I can go on and on about how to set and achieve goals. If you want to learn more about my framework and process, listen to  Setting Goals that Make You Happy or register for my upcoming workshop Tap Into Your Inner Baddie

D is for Deserving

The fourth pillar is "Deserving." You need to start thinking, “if not me, then who?”

It’s about cultivating a mindset that firmly believes you deserve the best in life. Challenge the notion of who deserves success because YOU DO!  Acknowledging your worth speaks volumes about your personal value and self-esteem. When I feel like I don’t deserve something, I like to challenge myself and face the facts. Take a sheet of paper and write some of your accomplishments (big, small, in-between). Next, write down the TRAITS and HABITS that a person who achieved these accomplishments would embody. 

That’s you sis! Let me show you what it looks like in practice.
Accomplishment -> Attending a networking event (alone) and telling two people about my business. 
Traits + Habits -> Prepared, brave, confident, thoughtful, consistent 

You get it? So now when you read the traits and habits of that person who was able to accomplish those things, I bet you think she’s a baddie. And that baddie is you 😀

Reflect on your accomplishments and internalize the idea that you deserve every bit of success and happiness that comes your way.

I is for Iconic

Moving on to "Iconic." If this word scares you, just wait! Let me explain myself. Being iconic means you find what makes you stand out. Whether it's a business, hobby, skill, or role in someone's life, become the best at it. Think about the legacy you want to leave behind and embrace the idea that you are iconic in your unique way. Celebrate your strengths and the impact you have on others. If you love baking, be the best baker you can be! And it’s that simple. 

E is for Evolving

Our final pillar is "Evolving." 

Don't you love it when you get those notifications from Google Photos looking back at a memory that you had 5 years ago? I love looking at those because I'm able to think back to the person I was 5 years ago, the mentality I had 5 years ago, the people who were in my life five years ago, and I'm able to compare my life then to now. Recognizing the natural evolution of your life is so important, but so is leaning into change. 

Change in your life is inevitable and it's the only thing constant in life. Stop trying to hold onto the past and keep things the same because by doing that, you're truly disrupting the trajectory of your life. Your life is not supposed to stay the same. 

Your life should continue to progress. And by saying no to change and not leaning into it, you're ruining things.

Embrace change, be open-minded, and document your evolution. As you evolve, you'll discover new facets of yourself and celebrate the progress you've made.

Start Your Baddie Journey

After reading this you’re probably wondering where you stand. Which BADDIE pillar is your strength and which is a growth area for you? I have an assessment that will give you that exact information so you can use a more targeted approach in your BADDIE journey. Now I will tell you- this isn’t short. I’ve carefully thought about what questions should be asked to evaluate each pillar so that your results are as accurate as possible. When you take the assessment, please come back to this post and share your results! 

Have a positive, productive, self-loving day baddie! 


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