Creating Thriving Environments for Success: Inside and Out

When things come into alignment for me, I love it. I’ve been reading Atomic Habits, and I’m at the part where James Clear emphasizes the importance of creating an environment supporting positive habits' development and maintenance. Clear argues that our environment shapes our behavior and influences our habits more than we realize. Which duh! If you want to stop drinking alcohol, but you have your full bar cart on display- you probably will have a more challenging time quitting. 

When you finally decide to set and pursue a goal, adjust your environment to reflect that goal and the identity you’d like to adopt. I am the queen of environment curation because I am susceptible to my space. If my environment isn’t optimized for whatever I’m engaging in, the mood I want, or the goal I want to achieve, I’m changing it!

Action will close the gap between where you are and where you want to be. And sometimes, that action is getting your space right. I’m not only talking about physical space but also mental and emotional space. You want to have a healthy relationship with your space, including adding or removing things for optimal environment. 

I will break this down into two main points: external environment and internal environment. 



  • Decluttering is a must. Get rid of things that no longer serve a purpose in your life and are holding you back. 

  • Decluttering is the key to happiness. Studies show that “When people go through decluttering, they feel a sense of freedom and liberation. It’s a reclaiming of a sense of mastery and control. They feel more competent and efficient.”

  • Questions I ask myself when I’m getting rid of things are:

    • Is it the best, the favorite, or necessary?

    • Is it functional or beautiful?

    • Does it spark joy?

  • Decluttering doesn’t only mean getting rid of things—it also means organizing. That pile of clothes that keeps growing in your room? Wash it, fold it, hang it, and put it away. Your bathroom counter with all the knickknacks and products? Get some bins, put some things under your counter, and stop buying new products. 

  • So whether you’re getting rid of things and/or organizing your belongings, the purpose remains the same. I want you to have a clean environment that is free from distractions. When your eye catches sight of things in the wrong place, it distracts you, and you keep thinking about why they aren’t in the right place. 

  • I don’t always keep the tidiest space and will allow clothes and mugs to start gathering in my office. When I see this beginning to happen, I’ve started saying to myself, “I put things away, not down.”

Introduce Supportive Items

    • If I want to unbig your back, you should eliminate junk food and introduce healthy foods. You should introduce your workout clothes to your line of sight. You should introduce workout equipment to your home. Introduce items that will support you on your journey to make it enjoyable, practical, and a salient part of your identity.

Carve out a dedicated space 

  • If you want to start a podcast, where will you record it? Carve out a space where you will work on your goals. If you're going to start working out at home, make a little gym, even if it's a corner in your dining room. If you want to create a nook for reading, journaling, and praying - buy some cute little pillows and art and make it. It doesn't need to be anything fancy, just enough to trigger your brain to engage in this new habit or routine. 


Change your thoughts: Negative Self Talk

  • Think about what story you tell yourself when you fail and when you succeed. Why do you forget? Is it because you’re a complete failure that can’t get anything right? Or is it because it wasn’t your time, but you learned so much that next time will, you’ll be better equipped? When you succeeded, was it because you were prepared? Or was it just lucky? You want a strong story that describes who you are, what you’re capable of, and what gaps exist. You want a story that's accurate and empowering.

Change Your Thoughts: Living in the Past

  • Living in the past and holding on to negativity is a drag! Living in the past prevents you from enjoying the present moment—which you can never get back. Not forgiving the person who hurt you can do more harm to yourself than it does to the other person. I've learned that holding a grudge can become cyclical. 

Change Your Thoughts: be grateful

  • Research shows that practicing gratitude has profound effects on our lives. For instance, studies by psychologists at UMiami found that those who focused on gratitude experienced greater optimism, exercised more, and had fewer physician visits than those who dwelled on sources of aggravation. Best of all, expressing gratitude enhances the quality of our relationships. By expressing gratitude to acquaintances, co-workers, friends, or partners, we strengthen connectivity and deepen our sense of closeness to them. 

  • I want to share some practical ways to express gratitude so you can weave it into your everyday life: 

    • Verbal Expression: A simple "thank you" holds great power.

    • Acts of Kindness: Small gestures of kindness are impactful.

    • Quality Time: Engaging in meaningful conversations or shared experiences.

    • Non-Verbal Cues: A smile or a hug communicates appreciation.

    • Gratitude Journals: Reflection magnifies the things you could be grateful for. 

Set Ambitious Goals that Make You Happy

  • Research shows that setting goals can add happiness to one's life and alleviate stress. Completing the goals can provide a sense of direction, build confidence, and help one see themselves in a new light. 

    • Ensure your goal is positive, aligned, and centered around your actions. 

    • Incorporate flexible goals

    • Think about the process

    • Plan frequently and create short-term goals 

Whatever you sense in your environment, you’ll act according to it. So, create an external and internal environment in which you can thrive. If you’re ready to work with me to take the next step toward becoming your inner baddie, join my waitlist for the next Empower Your Inner Baddie Bootcamp. I’m also accepting new baddies for Become Your Inner Baddie - sign up for your consult here.


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